100 Sporting 2/4/2017

For the full results from today’s shoot broken into class’s including ‘Birds Only’ Please CLICK HERE:SPT-2017-Apr-02-172533 HIGH GUN P.J.GRAY 97   AA CLASS Jnt 1st  W.BAUGHAN  &  R.BUNNING  95 Jnt 3rd  O.BRADSHAW  &  J.MOORE  94 A...

100 SPORTING 19/3/17

For the full results from today’s shoot broken into class’s including ‘Birds Only’ Please CLICK HERE:SPORTING-2017-Mar-19-174051 HIGH GUN J.J.LEE 94   AA CLASS 1st  R.BUNNING  93 Jnt 2nd  B.HAND, M.IVEY  &  P.THORROLD  90 A CLASS 1st ...

100 SPORTING 5/3/17

For the full results from today’s shoot broken into class’s including ‘Birds Only’ Please CLICK HERE: ESP-2017-Mar-05 HIGH GUN R.BUNNING 96   AA CLASS Jnt 1st  M.BOWES  &  T.COUZENS  90 Jnt 3rd  C.BROOMFIELD  &  N.FAULKNER  88 A...